Monday, August 25, 2014

Empower Sudan Mission Trip--Report from Deirdre LaNoue

I had the awesome privilege of being in South Sudan again this July! I went to teach for two weeks at a small seminary in Kajo Keji called Northeast African Theological Seminary -- a big name for a one room school. Yett their vision and their mission is gigantic! These guys are training as pastors to reach the 20+ million people in Sudan and South Sudan with God’s love. Their intent is to MAKE DISCIPLES, not converts. They are committed to training 3 disciples every year who will, in turn, go train 3 of their own. Simple. Biblical. Why don’t we do that??

And these are men who face all of the challenges of living in a land ravaged by civil war. The infrastructure is poor to non-existent. All they have is a study Bible and a call from God to GO! It is amazing what you can do with so little when God is empowering you. So our classroom time is milked for all it is worth and then they leave after two weeks to go put to work what they have learned. They face dangers we will never know but they go with JOY and a commitment to a vision that is much greater than themselves.

Do you have even one person that you are training to be a follower of Jesus who will then train someone else? That is our mission -- GO MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS. Simple. Biblical.

Deirdre LaNoue 
July 2014 

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