Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pray for VRBC-supported missionaries Kelly and Jenni Jessen

From the Jessens, who are serving with e3 Partners in Thailand:

Warriors and friends:
Our oldest son, Grayson, has been diagnosed with Spino Cerebellar Ataxia (SCA).  It is a genetic condition that causes the cerebellum of the brain (the part that controls all motor functions and speech) to progressively die.  At this time he walks with a cane but has no feeling below his knees and very little in his hands, in the near future he will be wheelchair bound, then over time lose the ability to use his arms, lose the ability to speak and ultimately to swallow. There is no medical treatment to either slow or cure the progression of the disease.  Unless God intervenes, Grayson likely has about 18 months, but perhaps up to 3 years. Death results from suffocation or choking.

We were blessed to have 18 days in the States over the Thanksgiving holiday and we spent every available minute with him.  God MIRACULOUSLY granted us long awaited reconciliation with grace and forgiveness given and received on all sides. Now, we are praying for several things. 

  1. That if it be God's will he would heal Grayson COMPLETELY.
  2. If not heal Grayson, then that God would be glorified even in the unimaginable darkness that he is facing.
  3. For strength and courage for each of us as we watch God's sovereignty worked out in ways that are beyond our understanding.
  4. That if God is going to take him, that His mercy would be manifest so that the suffering will not last one moment longer than it must to accomplish God's purposes.
  5. For tender hearts for each of our children, Grayson, Scarlet and Maverek, that this season they would draw closer to God, rightly perceive His character, and trust him EVEN if/when we don't see the answers we long for.
  6. For clarity of God's will, as to how long we should stay on the field, or whether God might call us back to Colorado for a season to care for Grayson and walk with him through the "valley of the shadows".

As always, perhaps more so now, we are clinging to the truth that we remain "In His Grip."

Jenni for the family

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Peru Christmas Store Pictures

Let us take you on a walk through the Peruvian Christmas Store. Just like at VRBC, the guests arrive at their appointed time. They wait outside the rented and beautifully decorated facility, and then they enter in small groups.

First, the pastor's wife shared the gospel with those who are new or are not Christians. For those who are church members or are known to be Christians, they meet one-on-one with church members to pray for their needs.

After evangelism and prayer, the guests meet with the youth, who function much like VRBC's Refuge Leadership Team. They are checking to ensure that the guests' contact information is current and accurate.

Next the guests shop for presents for each of their children. Just like at VRBC, there are "rooms"
(behind Kathy) of toys for each age group and gender. We have helped pre-wrap most of the toys, leaving assembled samples for parents to choose from. Our group is helping serve as "shoppers," carrying the chosen presents for the guests.

The bags are then brought to a table for bows and gift tags, and put into large red bags to carry home.

Tomorrow we will meet again with all 300 children to distribute shoes and stockings filled with candy. We will also have a special treat with a performance from Sal de la Tierra ("Salt of the Earth"), a youth drama group from our sister church El Buen Pastor. Thank you for your prayers!!!


Friday, December 2, 2011

Pictures from Peru

Wednesday morning we took a tour of San Genaro, the neighborhood of our sister church El Buen Pastor, whose members host the Peru Christmas Store. All of the children served at the Peru Christmas Store live in this neighborhood, a very poor area on the Pacific coast. In the purple shirt is Lou Conde-Sandoval, our Peruvian host. He and Janis co-founded the ministry Common Hope, which ministers to the children from the Peru Christmas Store throughout the year. The other man is Pablo, our translator on Wednesday.

Our group at the home of missionaries Javier and Patricia IbaƱez, with their son Nathaniel

Patricia cooked us a delicious typical Peruvian meal: chicken and rice, potatoes with cream sauce, and Inka Kola

Kathy shared a testimony at their Wednesday evening prayer service, and Patricia translated

 On Thursday we visited missionaries Katty and Juvenal Bejar, who brought us to a very poor area of Lima called Jicamarca, where they have planted a church. Teresa and Betsy taught public school children proper dental hygiene and we gave them each a toothbrush.

The local Head Start program in Orange where Betsy works let us borrow their model teeth and gigantic toothbrush.

After the toothbrushing demonstration in each classroom, Kathy, Donna and the girls from El Buen Pastor shared their testimony.

After that, we brought the school children to the church and fed them lunch. This is Katty, our VRBC-supported missionary, in the foreground. After that we spoke with a group of parents about the challenges of parenting teenagers, and then Amy led a women´s Bible study at the church.

Next on our agenda is the Christmas Store. Stay posted for more pictures!!! 

Thursday, December 1, Lima, Peru

 Feliz Navidad from Lima, Peru, Seems an apropriate greeting now that it is Dec.1st
After an amazing first day here in Lima, it was with great anticipation we continued our journey here.
And I must say, it was a day that brought special joy to my heart!
We departed in the am for a 75 mile bus ride to Jicamarca. I was told by our interpreter, Antonio, that this part of the county is considered The Highlands, and I believe once you see the photos upon our return you will understand why. The mountains surrounded us on all sides as we traveled and I marveled at God´s handiwork in this amazing country. As we arrived at the top, or at least it seems all the way to the top, of a very large mountain, I heard a sound that brought tears to my eyes and extreme joy to my heart. It was the sound of childrens voices! We had the extreme honor of working with missionaries Katty and Juvenal Bejar and the school they provide for the children in this highland area. We enjoyed teaching  children ages 3 to 12 proper dental hygeine and gave them a new toothbrush with donations that Betsy had graciously brought with her from her local dentist in Orange, Texas.
Approx 100 children were loaded into our 20 passenger bus. Yes, you read that right! It was a sight to behold. Beautiful smiling faces pressed up against the windows! Then they were brought to the dirt floor church named Cristo Viene where we served alongside Katty Bejar and other church volunteers as we served these children a hot meal. The meat they received was a special treat. But just when we thought the day could not get any better, we spent time with parents who have the same questions, concerns and worries about raising children that we do. Seems that some things are just universal...parents wanting the best for their children and sounds of children´s laughter. And even more important is the universal love that people accross the world share for the love of Jesus Christ. Please keep praying for us as we continue to watch the God of Coppell be the God of Lima, and the same God of the world.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

First Day in Lima - Wednesday

Amy, Donna, Teresa, Betsy, Janis and I just finished our first day in Lima!  What an adventure it was!  We toured the Common Hope facilities that Janis and Lou have set up here in Peru.  We can't believe all that they do in such a little space. It really reminds us of Cornerstone!!! I took my first ride in a motor taxi and it was a blast!  I asked how much it would cost to let me drive and he wouldn't budge. The trip is not over yet!!!   The highlight of the day was attending a service at Patricia and Javier's Ibanez's house.  They are 2 missionaries that VRBC supports here in Peru.  Patricia cooked us dinner and we had a fabulous time talking around the table.  We then participated in their church's Wednesday night service.  At the end of the service, a women told Patricia that God had led her to give me something.  As it turns out, that little something was a diamond engagement ring!  I'm now engaged to Peru!  After picking my jaw back off the ground, I thanked her profusely.  Our team decided to give the ring to Patricia and Javier to use as seed money for the building that their church is praying for.  Buzz, wouldn't that have been nice during our building phase?!!!!  They certainly do things differently here!  Short of hairdryers not working (yes, some of us are just that vain!) we are loving the Peruvian experience!  The Peruvian people are delightful and so hospitable to us!  Their passion for God and the gospel are an inspiration to all of us!  We are now heading to Katy and Juvenal Bejar's ministry to work with the children there.  We can't wait to see what God has in store for us today!  We thank you for your prayers and are so thankful to be part of a church that is mission minded!
Adios for today!