Monday, August 25, 2014

Empower Sudan Mission Trip--Report from Deirdre LaNoue

I had the awesome privilege of being in South Sudan again this July! I went to teach for two weeks at a small seminary in Kajo Keji called Northeast African Theological Seminary -- a big name for a one room school. Yett their vision and their mission is gigantic! These guys are training as pastors to reach the 20+ million people in Sudan and South Sudan with God’s love. Their intent is to MAKE DISCIPLES, not converts. They are committed to training 3 disciples every year who will, in turn, go train 3 of their own. Simple. Biblical. Why don’t we do that??

And these are men who face all of the challenges of living in a land ravaged by civil war. The infrastructure is poor to non-existent. All they have is a study Bible and a call from God to GO! It is amazing what you can do with so little when God is empowering you. So our classroom time is milked for all it is worth and then they leave after two weeks to go put to work what they have learned. They face dangers we will never know but they go with JOY and a commitment to a vision that is much greater than themselves.

Do you have even one person that you are training to be a follower of Jesus who will then train someone else? That is our mission -- GO MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS. Simple. Biblical.

Deirdre LaNoue 
July 2014 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

e3 Mission Trip to Malawi--Report from Linda Hayes

My trip to Malawi was amazing, God’s presence was everywhere.  Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

We had 21 people on our team including 2 vets and one other RN from the US.  We met up with 100 local pastors and interpreters and one local physician.  The medical team saw over 900 patients during the week.  We saw alot of Malaria and general illnesses. The people were so gracious and appreciative of our care.  I have been going on medical Mission trips since 1998 and most of the trips were to Venezuela, but I have never seen such abject poverty.

There are thousands of orphans due to Aids and War.  We went to one orphanage with 52 kids ages 3-17.  The girl’s room has 39 girls sleeping on the mud floor of a 12x13 room (shown below).  We pooled our cash and bought them blankets.  There need is so great, yet they had smiling faces.  They have only one meal a day of a corn mush, no running water, soap, etc.

Our ministries allowed us to presence the gospel to about 9,000 and distribute 2,000 bibles.  We are also training up more local pastors. Twenty nine new churches were started.

This trip was a challenge for me as I am very claustrophobic and I had 5 plane rides each way, one coming back was 18 hours long.  God’s presence really helped me stay calm and focused to endure that flight.

I plan to return next year and continue the work. Thank you again for your prayers and support.  It feels so good to see others accepting God’s grace and knowing I had a small part in it.

Monday, August 4, 2014

e3 Mission Trip to Urubamba, Peru - Report from Nicole Capdevila

From July 19th to July 26th, Claudia Adame and I went to Urubamba, which is an area in the Andes Mountains, for both an evangelical and medical trip. We arrived in Urubamba on July 20th, where we met up with about 25 Alabama nurses and doctors.

Our first day of service officially started on Monday. I had the privilege of going door to door and sharing the gospel through the streets of Urubamba. The first day was a bit of a hard day, but God answered all prayers, and there was rejoicing in heaven as people accepted Christ.

For the next two days, I worked at the medical clinic, where I did spiritual counseling. After each patient received their treatment, they were offered to go to spiritual counseling, where we would pray for them and share the gospel with them. It was such a moving experience to see people be healed both physically and spiritually.

On Thursday, I returned to going door to door and had an amazing day. My team worked in the area of Yuanahara, and the people there just captivated my heart. They were all so open and loving and they were genuinely seeking the love and grace of Christ. I met this woman named Irene during our door to door visits on Thursday. She was such a sweet woman, and you could tell that she was eager to learn more and more about God. After we shared the gospel with her, and she accepted Christ, we did an I am Second bible story with her. The story was from John, and it was the passage where Jesus talks about leaving his peace with us. After we finished discussing the story, Irene bursted into tears. She eventually began to tell us about how her son had just passed away in a motorcycle accident, and how hard waking up each morning was for her. She kept asking herself when it would get better, and then she told us that she finally felt peace when we read the I am Second passage to her. Irene told us that as we read the story she felt a burden being lifted off her shoulders. That story really touched me, and Irene was such an amazing woman. There were stories like that from all teams, from throughout all the week.

Friday was another good day, filled with seeds being planted and God’s name being spread. After our week in Urubamba, there were all sorts of teams going different ways. Some people went back to the states, while some went to Machu Picchu. I ended up getting the opportunity to go back to Lima and visit some old friends. I got to stay with the Bejar family, which is a family our church sponsors, for a couple of days. It was awesome to attend their church and see how God was working in their house and in their church! I also got to see some old translators and see how they were doing. I even saw some old nationals that I worked with from my first year!

Nicole with Ammi Bejar, daughter of VRBC-supported missionaries Katty & Juvenal Bejar

One thing that I really took away from this trip is that God gives us peace. I leave for college in two weeks, and to say I’m super stressed and emotional is a huge understatement; but after seeing how God changed lives in Peru, and seeing how faithful he is, I know that he is in control of my life and in control of my future. Although I am still filled with nervous excitement and all sorts of emotions, I am ready for God to guide me into this next chapter of life. I am so thankful to have gotten to go on this trip, and as always, I hope to return to Peru soon!

God Bless,

Nicole Capdevila

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Video Update from the Jessens

Watch this video update from the Jessens and hear about the amazing things their doing in Thailand!


Update from the Stickneys - Moving back to Dallas

This update from the Stickneys is from 5/6.  Continued prayer is needed as unrest continues in Kenya.  


ACO Partners,
  We pray this find you and your family Blessed!

 Kenya seems to continue to make a splash in world news for all the wrong reasons. Today we find ourselves once again enduring a long weekend of scattered terrorists attacks in the areas where we do ministry. 

  The clashes in the Coastal Region between Muslims and Christians is stronger than ever. The small quiet city of Kilifi, site of Pwani University and home to ACO staff Jonathan Omolo, is becoming more of a center for such activities. 4 Pastors have been killed in the past 6 months and churches continue to be targeted with grenade and IED attacks. This past weekend, Mombasa (40 min. drive away), the center for the coastal chaos had two separate attacks in highly populated expat communities.
  Not to be outdone, Nairobi and its terrorists are keeping pace. Most of the attacks are in areas of the city that our national staff pass through on a daily basis, this past Sunday evening they shook the earth 200 yards away from the house we rent. Since the West Gate mall siege and airport bombings the country we knew as a peaceful, laid back, and low risk area has become the hot bed for Al Shabab. 

  BUT GOD CONTINUES TO MOVE IN OUR MIDST! As Robert and Jonathan, Victor and Moses, Joyce and Dorcas, and the rest of our other staff morn their countries daily battle with Jehad, they wake each morning with purpose. That purpose, brought from a lives calling to share the Gospel and Disciple young men and women, continues on university campuses across the country. This weekend (May 10th), we will celebrate 5 of our newest ACO Ignite Intern graduates (Ignite is a year long discipleship training program for students who have cleared campus and want to learn more about doing full-time life-on-life ministry). Three of these grads will be joining our National ACO Staff team, the other two will dive into the market place and invest in the lives God plants them around. A group of 7 students and ACO staff return today from Rwanda after spending a week helping an ACO graduate get ministry off the ground on 4 campuses (You can pray that God continues to open doors for us in placing a full-time staff in Rwanda in the future). The costal clashes haven't kept our ACO staff team from growing in number (our first full-time staff girl will begin ministry there this summer), but also God allows us to remain fruitful as two new Bible studies were started with NEW BELIEVERS this past semester! Our two campus start-ups this year (we live on an August to July calendar year) have been a great addition to our ministry opportunities. We are very excited to be opening a new campus on the edge of Nairobi this summer. Presbyterian East African University has accepted our proposal to place staff and begin investing in young peoples lives! (This start-up will bring ACO to 15 fully staffed campuses across the country.) Victor Otieno, ACO National Staff Director, and our team of staffremain faithful to the task that God called us to some 40 years ago! 

 Our new partnership with KEFA ( and our January launch into discipling medical students, surgeons, and others in the medical field has taken flight much faster than we anticipated. Our fastest growing area of ministry by far shows promise to launch ACO staff into not only South Sudan; but Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and RwandaInvesting in the Influencers of the next East African generation is a GOD TASK placed at our staffs feet.  

  We believe that ACO continues to be called by God to be a source of Discipling the Next Generation of East African Students to be a Change Agent in the Spread of Discipled Believers. The ACO Board of Directors, The Stickney family, and ACO Staff feel called and equip for the task!

  In light of the terrorist activity and overall security of the country, the ACO Board of Directors (like other organizations, including the US Embassy) has been evaluating risk vs. reward of the Stickney's living in Kenya since the August 2013 airport fire. They have decided, along with our input, that the Stickney family should relocate to Dallas in June. Tom will continue to travel back and forth to Kenya to help facilitate strategy, training and encouraging staff and students throughout the year. We (The Stickney's) are sad to see our time of living in Kenya end, but as we say goodbye to an amazing community that surrounds us we are grateful to our Board and their ongoing desire to do what is best for our family! Tom's time in the US will have him continuing to invest in our leaders in Kenya and working closely with Victor Otieno (ACO National Director). He and Kerry will also begin investing in couples in the DFW area (mush like Allen & Alice did when they returned from Kenya in the late 80's), continue telling the ACO story, and, if safety permits, running the US/Kenyan student intern program in the summers . 

  If you know the Stickney's at all, than you know we are about Equipping and getting out of the way. When we landed 4 years ago we immediately started trying to work our way out of the country (we were so blessed to have an amazing foundation to build on from Allen & Alice's 35 years in student ministry here). This move comes at no surprise in our spiritual mindset, we knew the day would come, our hearts though will miss the unique privilege of living in Africa. It is sad to leave an amazing school, small group, church and ACO staff team behind, but it is also rewarding to know that our "hands on" job is complete. Our equipping role now turns to raising the resources, walking with our ACO staff team in strategy and long-term planning, and encouraging them with mission teams we are able to bring along with us on our visits. 

  Since God is the glue that holds this all together, then you are the energy that drives it! Each month we are amazed at how each of you has allocated some of your resources to keep us moving. We are astonished at what God does through $260,000 a year. Thank you for being apart of Equipping through your Resources

  We hope that we will get to see you State side in the next few months (we arrive mid-June). Tom's first trip back will be in're welcome to come along!

Thank You & Blessings,

Tom Stickney                                    
Executive Director
African Christian Outreach


Victor Otieno
National Director
African Christian Outreach

Monday, April 7, 2014

Go to to access the April prayer guide and join us in praying for the Dallas metroplex.  Thank you for praying.

Friday, March 7, 2014