Thursday, August 14, 2014

e3 Mission Trip to Malawi--Report from Linda Hayes

My trip to Malawi was amazing, God’s presence was everywhere.  Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

We had 21 people on our team including 2 vets and one other RN from the US.  We met up with 100 local pastors and interpreters and one local physician.  The medical team saw over 900 patients during the week.  We saw alot of Malaria and general illnesses. The people were so gracious and appreciative of our care.  I have been going on medical Mission trips since 1998 and most of the trips were to Venezuela, but I have never seen such abject poverty.

There are thousands of orphans due to Aids and War.  We went to one orphanage with 52 kids ages 3-17.  The girl’s room has 39 girls sleeping on the mud floor of a 12x13 room (shown below).  We pooled our cash and bought them blankets.  There need is so great, yet they had smiling faces.  They have only one meal a day of a corn mush, no running water, soap, etc.

Our ministries allowed us to presence the gospel to about 9,000 and distribute 2,000 bibles.  We are also training up more local pastors. Twenty nine new churches were started.

This trip was a challenge for me as I am very claustrophobic and I had 5 plane rides each way, one coming back was 18 hours long.  God’s presence really helped me stay calm and focused to endure that flight.

I plan to return next year and continue the work. Thank you again for your prayers and support.  It feels so good to see others accepting God’s grace and knowing I had a small part in it.

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