Monday, October 7, 2013

A must-watch video from the Jessens! Also, a special note to VRBC!

Grab a box of tissue and watch this amazing video which highlights some of the work the Jessens are involved in and a bit of Jenni's testimony!

Becoming Priceless

If you have known us for long then you have probably heard us talk a lot about modern day slavery. For the past two years we have been working hard to create a tool that might be used to prevent human trafficking through education. You have walked with and prayed us through this long, battle-filled journey.  Time and time again we have surrendered our will, our plan, our pride and our story.  The culmination of this work, PricelessCube, was launched a few weeks ago. Please watch as the story unfolds in this 4 minute film: Becoming PricelessCube.

We have already seen PricelessCube be effective in slowing the supply of people being trafficked. Our strategy will be to train local churches, ministries, governments and families to protect the women and children in their communities and at the same time point them to Jesus who is the only hope for rescue and restoration.  Please join us in prayer that this tool would be used mightily and that God would be glorified in all

In His grip,

Kelly and Jenni


Dear Valley Ranch Baptist Church,

In the heat of the day, sticky and sweaty, it is many times easy to wish to be swept away back to America.  Of course that is not our desire but it would definitely make it much easier to connect with you.  MANY things have happened in our family and in the work God has called us to over the past year as He as used us to do things we never could have asked or imagine.  Email can be so foreign and informal but please know that is not our intent.  We'd much more enjoy sitting down for coffee or sharing a meal but for and video updates will just have to do.

With that out of the way, we just want to say thank you for continuing to invest in God's Kingdom through us.  We could not do what we do without faithful financial supporters like you.  It is our partnership that is allowing people to be educated against the perils of Human Trafficking, girls and their babies sleeping in a safe bed with hopes for the future, people hearing the Good News of Jesus and others being training and equipped to reach the lost.  YOU are a part of that and we thank you for the partnership that we have.

In His grip,

The Jessens in Thailand

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