Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pray for the Stickneys in Africa

Please read below for an update and prayer request from Tom and Kerry Stickney, directors of African Christian Outreach (ACO):

ACO Partners,

  We would ask you to stop today and over the next few weeks/months to pray specifically for the Stickney's & ACO Staff. Praying for safety, wisdom, and God's hand to be upon their lives as violence in Kenya is on the rise due to upcoming Presidential elections.

 For the Stickney's:

  Tom received a text this morning at 2:45am from a fellow parents, who's daughter is in Sydney's class. The two fathers had just spent the day together as chaperones for a 4th grade field trip. They live a two blocks away and had thieves enter their house around 2am armed with guns, machetes & a steel pipe. We thank God that they woke up Sydney's friend by shinning a flashlight in her room, but left her alone and moved onto the father room to wake him with a gun in his face. They repeatedly beat him with the pipe until he could open the safe and give them the money he had. The families night guard jumped the fence when he saw the men come over the wall and only returned when the incident was over. We praise God that they are all alive and safe, but the incident brings the escalating violence into the neighborhood that is the safest in Nairobi. 

  Incidents have been happening in and around the neighborhood the Stickney's live in and have become for frequent as election come closer. The criminals know that the Police are stretched very thin due to 2007 post election violence that occurred in the country. Their "show of force" keeps them undermanned in areas that are normally staffed. Tom received tweets today from the Red Cross reporting that gangs were throwing rocks at passing cars in an area where he visits regularly and road blocks set up by tribal gangs on roads leading to a shopping center the Stickney's frequently use.

   First, pray for safety. Safety for the Stickney's as they sleep at night and come and go during the day. The compound has several lines of defense with a wall, electric wire, metal and wooden doors into the house, and two night guards with a backup silent alarm that can be triggered. With all the precautions in place, instances still happen like the family mentioned above. 

 Second, pray for wisdom. The Stickney's must decide with the help of the ACO Board of Directors if they should evacuate the country before and during the elections the first week of March. Several other mission and aid agency's are requiring their personal to leave, some for an entire months of March and April, but the Stickney's don't want Sydney and Raegan to miss too much school and to be away for the ACO staff team for too long. (The school is closed Monday-Wednesday of election week). They would not evacuate due to the violence expected between tribes, but because of the increased risk of home innovations, carjackings and violence in typically safer neighborhoods due to the lack of police presence. 

 For ACO Staff:

  Staff are spread across the country on their campus ministry sites. The areas they live in are filled with all different tribes and are hot spots for tribal post election violence to erupt. In 2007 families were pulled from their homes and beaten because of their tribe. So many Kenyans had to flee their generational homes and have never returned.

First, pray for safety as staff continue to work with students up until campuses close just prior to elections. Staff will stay put, stock up and lay low in the weeks following the elections. Pray that the Lord will put His angels around their houses and apartments. Pray that other families of different tribes will choose to live in peace and harmony when violence erupts in their areas. 

 Second, pray for wisdom as staff decide when to leave their homes to run to the store for groceries or to collect wood for cooking. The country is expected to have water, electrical, fuel and sugar shortages post election. 

For Virginia Home Orphanage:

  Pray for these beautiful, innocent souls as one of ACO partner ministries decides how best to protect the children that live in the home. ACO staff that work at the orphanage will be unable to stay because of their tribe.

Thank You for Your Prayers! We will try to keep you updated as much as possible.

Tom Stickney
Executive Director
African Christian Outreach

For More Information:





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