Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Update from Jenni Jessen in Ethiopia

Priceless Cube in Ethiopia

Thank you everyone for all your prayers over Jenni's trip.  It has been an emotionally, physically and spiritually challenging trip for her.  Currently she is on her way home and will arrive Sunday night.  Below is a heartfelt recount of some of her sights, sounds and emotions.  In addition to the results of this trip, the 4 villages her team was working in are now coming together to begin to protect the woman and children in their communities.

May 25, 2013 - Update from the heart
The sun burned down on my head and the homes plastered in manure. Its heat indiscriminate, baked us each a golden brown. Hiking on rocky trails from home to home I tried to take in the sights, the people, the stories. But as each hour on the field passed, I felt myself becoming anesthetized. By the evening of the second day, I could no longer feel my gut. I know exactly the moment it happened. I had used the Priceless cube to teach a group of 23 people in the Bahir Dar region of Ethiopia about the realities of human trafficking. I had talked about slavery, abuse, rape-for-profit. It was clear. It was concise. At the end of the presentation I asked if there were any questions. Two young women called from the back, "Yes, how do we get our sisters back?" Their plea cut me deep. The only way to bear the pain of that moment and continue to function was with a spiritual epidural. I couldn't breathe. I didn't know even if I wanted to. I found myself once again like a child who must become numb to survive. With a deep breath, I explained to the women that there are people doing investigations and rescue all over the world but that our only real hope is in Jesus. I assured them that he loves their sisters even more than they do and that He is the God of rescue.

Our trek took us over ground cracked deep and into families broken by deception. In every place the stories were the same.

"They took my nephew when he was 8. We have never heard from him. That was three years ago."

"I just got my passport picture yesterday and I am supposed to leave for the Middle East in two days."

"I sent my daughter two years ago. She only called once. She was afraid and wanted to come home but the phone went dead. We have not heard from her again."

Place after place the sadness washed over me, it pooled deep. My tears lay in wait, themselves waiting to be released from captivity. This morning, as if resurrected from an ancient tomb, my heart came throbbing back to life, swollen and bleeding. We listened first in Amharic then in English as a government agent explained what they know is happening to the women and children trafficked from this region into the Middle East. He told us of people being tightly packed into shipping containers with no food, water or toilet. When these containers are shipped by land as many as 50% of the people will die in the container before reaching their destination several days later. Others are taken through the desert to Djibouti and then shipped by sea to Yemen. Often the ships are overloaded with human cargo and they become unstable in the journey. The traffickers then throw a number of the children to their death into the sea. When arriving in Yemen, the ships don't land in a seaport but instead in the desert. Those who have survived are met by men who like lions eagerly await those whom they will devour for a profit. Shopping through the "human merchandise" like cattle, they bid pennies for the bodies of children.

And it came like a tidal wave crashing through my defenses. I wept. I wept for those who have gone. I wept for those stripped of their humanity and packed into shipping containers. I wept for the children somewhere on a storm tossed sea crying out for mothers they will never see again. I wept tears of relief for those who mercifully die in route before the unthinkable happens and then happens again. And I cried for young girls and boys who are desperately learning how to survive by appeasing the lust of beasts dressed as men.
I am compelled to my knees crying out for mercy. "Father, forgive us! How have we let this happen?" The tears come, they wash away the red clay crust of the week. 

Our team was welcomed into 120 homes over four days. We saw more than 30 families with plans to send their wives or children commit instead to protecting them, keeping them home. We saw young women with recently obtained passports changing their minds and refusing to go. We witnessed the courses of these women and children's lives changed forever. In every home we shared the hope we have in Jesus. I told them of His power displayed in my own life to bring rescue and healing. We invited them into a personal relationship with him. 465 people over the course of the week accepted that offer, not only for hope in their present lives but also for eternity.

Our final two days in Ethiopia were spent helping to host a conference on human trafficking. 70+ leaders were trained and equipped with the
Priceless cube. We were also able to work with the staff of Compassion International-Ethiopia equipping their staff with training and Priceless cubes.

The trip pulled and stretched me in many different ways. It broke my heart and if possible, even further solidified my stand. When asked by a national church leader, "if we take a stand against human traffickers will it not be dangerous?"

I answered, "Jesus was innocent of any sin but he was crucified for you and for me. If I am threatened or hurt for taking a stand to protect those who are defenseless, then that is nothing in comparison to what Jesus did for me. We must protect the vulnerable because everyone of them is made in the image of God."

Truly, after the experiences carved into my soul this week, I can say along with famed abolitionist William Wilberforce, "Your sufferings have been the theme that has arrested and engaged my heart."

In His Grip,



Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jenni Jessen is in Ethiopia for the month of May testing a new resource for preventing human trafficking, there, in Thailand, and throughout the world.  Read more below and see the link to her prayer calendar.  

Dear friends and family,
 Ethiopia? Thought they were working in Thailand? You are correct, however as we've have been developing and testing the Priceless cube, which prevents Human Trafficking through education, an opportunity to travel to Ethiopia to pilot the cube with an e3 Expedition team came up. For us it was another reminder that this issue is not only in Asia and the USA but it is worldwide. There are reports of villages in Ethiopia that have no children remaining in them as they have ALL be sold! Jenni and the team will be working in such areas to bring the light of Jesus and sharing with them that they are priceless in God's sight. It is ONLY through an encounter with Jesus that we will be able to combat this issue through changed hearts. The team will then return to the capital lead a national conference on Human Trafficking.  They expect to see 120+ leaders, pastors, government officials and other NGOs trained on how to recognize/fight slavery and to use the Priceless cube to bring needed awareness to the issue.

Please click the link for the 
prayer calender and join us in praying for success for this team as they do battle for the Kingdom.

May God be glorified in all.

The Jessens

Monday, May 6, 2013


Please join our church family in praying for the city of Dallas and its surrounding areas, tomorrow, May 7.  Following is the prayer guide that will help you to focus your prayers.
You, Lord hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and You listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.  Psalm 10:17-18

This month AP4C is highlighting the very sensitive issue of human trafficking.  It is our intention for believers from all backgrounds to unite in prayer and use this guide as a catalyst for our on-going prayer and the advancement of Christ's kingdom.  Let these scriptures and your time with God renew your heart for our Metroplex.  Please prepare your heart before you begin to pray through the categories.
But this is a people plundered and looted, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons.  They have become plunder with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, "Send them back", Isaiah 42:22
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  John 8:36
*Pray that God will convict the hearts of people that exploit slavery victims and turn their hearts to Christ.
*Pray for God to bring His rescue and restoration to victims of human trafficking and for them to receive the Gospel message in their hearts
*Pray that the Gospel will sweep through our city, bringing healing and spiritual life
*Pray for God to bring an awakening in your own life and in the lives of those close to you--areas where we need freedom and healing.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  James 5:16
Learn to do right, seek justice.  Defend the oppressed.  Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17
* Pray for God to touch the hearts of His children and to increase trafficking awareness and action in His Church.
*Pray for the Church to respond to the biblical mandate to seek justice for the estimated 27 million human trafficking victims in the world.
*Pray for the ministries and organizations in our communities that fight human trafficking and serve the victims of slavery.
*Pray for God to raise up believers to lead the way in the fight for people from slavery.
Break the arm of the wicked man; call the evildoer to account for his wickedness that would not otherwise be found out. Psalm 10:15
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  Galatians 6:2
*Pray for the people in our neighborhoods(known and unknown) who are victims of sex trafficking and trafficking for forced labor
*Pray for the individuals in our city who are in bondage to the acts and lifestyle that depend on the exploitation of human beings--that their hearts will be stirred to repentance and that they wikll seek and receive treatment for healing and that relationships would be developed with believers.
*Pray for citizens to become aware of product we purchase and their supply chain to ensure that we are not inadvertently supporting slavery
*Pray for parents, church leaders, educators and community leaders as they guide and engage our communities to take action against slavery
For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers. Proverbs 11:14
I urge, then, first of all, that p etitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people--for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness 1 Timothy 2:1-2
* Pray that God inspires our government officials and law enforcement to make fighting slavery a top priority and that He moves them to pursue laws and legislations for the abolishment of modern day slavery
*Pray that God will strengthen and encourage the people who work to care for and restore victins of slavery and that He will increase their wisdom as they serve Him.
*Pray for God to convict the hearts of business and corporate leaders to review their supply chain sources and to take steps to abolish slavery in their spheres of influence.
Please find below info and statistics to help facilitate your on-going prayer, conversation and service:
Human trafficking statistics I polaris project
very little research has been done to determine the extent of human trafficking on the state level; however some state wide reports have been published. Due to
data collection limitations the following statistics should be taken as baseline estinates only.  These statistics are bot definitive or conprehebnsive estimates,
119  the number of minors exploited for commercial sex identified by the Dallas Police Dept in 2007
55  the number of domestic minor sex trafficking related cases in Dallas in 2007
33 the number of individuals charged in sex trafficking related cases in Dallas in 2007
35  the number of juveniles charged with prostitution-related offenses in Tarrant County from 2000-2008
*  The U.N. and other experts estimate the total market value of illicit human trafficking at $32 billion--about $10 billion is derived from the initial sale of individuals, with the remainder representing the estimated profits from the activities or goods produced by the victims of this crime. (UNODC)
*  $90 is the average cost of a human slave sold around the world. (
*  The protected innocence challenge is a comprehensive study on existing state laws designed to inspire and equip advocates.  Under the challenge, every state receives a report card that grades the state on 41 key legislative components that must be addressed in state's laws in order to effectively respond to the crime of domestic minor sex trafficking.  In addition, each state receives a complete analysis of this 41 component review and practical recommendations for improvement.  The state of Texas scored a "B" with an overall score of 86.5 (Shared Hope International)
Additional information is available at the following sites:,,,,

Your sister in Christ,
Pam Woller